Electronics - Base, "inno" (MBI)

Price on request
Set consisting of:
DE730-1N 1x MBI NTC - Resistor
DE730-1L 1x MBI LDR
DE730-1S 1x MBI Si-Diode
DE731-1L 1x MBI LED
DE732-1L 1x MBI Transistor NPN, Base left
DE730-2V 1x MBI Buzzer
DE730-1W 1x MBI Resistance decade, 10 / 22 / 47 kOhm
DE733-1K 1x MBI Capacitance decade, 100/1000/10000 μF

P7840-1B 1x Box insert MBI bottom
P7806-1G 1x Storage box II large, with cover

Including manual for 31 experiments on the topics:
- Semiconductors
- Diodes
- Transistors
- Capacitors

Overview with picture and description of the experimental equipment in the set - in German language

DE740-3E Boxeneinlageplan DEU (131.42KB)

Overview with picture and description of the experimental equipment in the set

DE740-3E Box insert plan ENG (131.16KB)

Overview with picture and description of the experimental equipment in the set - in Slowakian language

DE740-3E Plán uloženia SK (161.49KB)

List of all experimental topics that can be carried out with this set - in German language

DE740-3E Index VersuchsthemenDEU (61.49KB)

List of all experimental topics that can be carried out with this set

DE740-3E Index of experimentsENG (103.31KB)