Rotating ring, D200 mm

Price on request
For testing for varying moments of inertia with a constant mass
Acrylic ring, metal axle with two adjustable weights that can be shifted within the cylinder
Dimensions: D=200 mm, B=39 mm

Experiment(s) - from the experiment manual P9102-1AE Mechanics Demo (ENG)

Experiment MED 09.14a (PDF) (264.07KB)

Experiment(e) – aus der Versuchsanleitung P9102-1A Mechanik Demo (DEU)

Versuch MED 09.14a (PDF) (231.75KB)

Experiment(e) – aus der Versuchsanleitung P9102-1A Mechanik Demo (DEU)

Versuch MED 09.14b (PDF) (355.8KB)

Experiment(s) - from the experiment manual P9102-1AE Mechanics Demo (ENG)

Experiment MED 09.14b (PDF) (447.02KB)