For model experiments on the topic "Matter - states and behaviour" (particle movement)
Glass chamber on metal plate, with motor-driven vibrating bar which sets small metal balls into motion.
An overhead projector can be used to make this movement large and bright,
so the phenomena listed below are visible for the whole class.
Scope of supply:
- 300 steel balls, 3 mm
- 4 steel balls, 5 mm
- 4 slices of steel, aluminium, wood and polystyrene
- 1 ring for osmosis
- 1 magnet 10 x 50 mm
- 1 pincers
- 1 instruction manual
- Properties of particles in different states of aggregation (solid, liquid, gaseous)
- Thermal movement of particles (Brownian molecular motion)
- Temperature increase
- Buoyancy in liquids
- Gas pressure
- Evaporation
- Condensation
- Diffusion
- Osmosis
- Dissolving a crystal in water
Supply voltage: 1 - 12 V DC, continuously adjustable
Dimensions: 270 x 270 x 50 mm
Weight: approx. 500 g